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Clown Alley


Clown Alley is a series that's inspired by G.I. Joe file cards, superhero comic books, and fighting games such as Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.  The characters are all self portraits creating a dichotomy.  The masks are a representation of persona, the idea that we have of ourself vs. what's behind the mask, the unveiling of our true Self.      


The Scoop:

Once a school bus driver for Shady Pines Elementary. Mumsy turned gangster criminal mastermind/ring leader for the alley of clowns known as the "Batty Lunatics" after being hit in back of the head with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by a third grader. No surprise, he is known for acting a bit "nutty".

Rank:  Ring Leader

Combat Specialty:    Sigma 1911 .45 Cal                   

Secondary Specialty:  Driving


The scoop:

Ever since a child, watching the movie "Nightmare on Elm Street", Freddy knew what he was destine to be. That's right, a firefighter.  He got his wish. Freddy fought so many fires that one day he himself got fired resulting in the brutal axe murdering of a whole blaze of firemen.  What a "hack".  

Rank:  Featured Act

Combat Specialty:  Pyrotechnics 

Secondary Specialty:  Axes


The Scoop:

A virtuoso at the art of picking locks.  Krazo began escaping  psychiatric wards at an early age of nine and a half after being admitted to the mental hospital for killing his neighborhood ice cream man by choking him with a popsicle stick.  Now that's "cold" blooded.

Rank:  Performer

Combat Specialty:  Strangulation

Secondary Specialty:  Lock Picking


The Scoop:

A Ranger in the United States airborne division.  Started his military career as a chemical soldier and was used as a tunnel rat for underground search and destroy missions. Until, he poisoned his commanding officer with Phosgene before going AWOL. Guess you can say he grew "gassed" of being ordered around.  

Rank:  Bouncer

Combat Specialty:  AR 15 Assault Riffle

Secondary Specialty: Chemical Warfar

Don Bobo

The scoop:  

They say a psychiatrist is always crazier than his patients. Don Bobo is no exception.  Talk about problems... Rumor has it, Don Bobo once cut the ear off one of his patients for talking his ear off.  Now that's "mental".

Rank:  Grubstaker

Combat Specialty:  Whip

Secondary Specialty:  Psycological Manipulation